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document library
Willamette River Initiative Evaluation Report
This report provides an in-depth evaluation of the impact of Meyer Memorial Trust's Willamette River Initiative. It focuses on changes the WRI had on the people, organizations and systems at work toward a healthier Willamette River system. Additionally, four case studies take a deeper look into the WRI's greatest areas of impact:
Approach to Funding case study
Fostering Collaboration case study
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Cohorts case study
Within Our Reach Conference case study
Author: Dialogues in Action
Published December 2020
Willamette Special Investment Partnership Accomplishments Summary Report
This report tracks progress toward ecological goals for the Willamette Basin made by members of the Willamette Special Investment Partnership (Oregon Watershed Enhancement Board, Meyer Memorial Trust and the Bonneville Power Administration) between 2008 and 2015.
Author: Oregon Watershed Enhancement Board
Published January 2016
Field Guide to Common Fish of the Willamette Valley Floodplain
This field guide provides photos and brief descriptions of 15 native and 16 nonnative fish found in the Willamette Valley floodplain.
Author: Oregon State University Extension Service (Josh E. Williams, Guillermo R. Giannico, Brad Withrow-Robinson)
Published June 2014
Willamette River Planning Atlas
This document, the result of work by more than 30 researchers over five years, identifies three possible scenarios for how land and water use in the Willamette Basin may change by the year 2050 and evaluates each scenario for its effect on the ecosystem. The conservation scenario sets goals for needed increases in floodplain forest and side channels and alcoves by the year 2050 to achieve river health.
Author: Pacific Northwest Ecosystem Research Consortium (Eds. Hulse, Gregory, Baker)
Published 2002
Restoring a River of Life: The Willamette Restoration Strategy
The Willamette Restoration Strategy provides a restoration vision and framework for the entire Willamette Basin. It was created to serve as the Willamette Basin supplement to the 1997 Oregon Plan for Salmon and Watersheds.
Author: Willamette Restoration Initiative
Published February 2001
Report: Mid-program Evaluation of the Willamette River Initiative
In 2012, the Meyer Memorial Trust retained the consulting firm Partners for Change to evaluate the effectiveness of the Willamette River Initiative. The resulting report details their findings and concludes with recommendations for MMT moving forward.
Author: Partners for Change
Published October 2013
SLICES: An information framework for a biologically effective Willamette River floodplain
SLICES is a geographic framework for tracking change over space and time in the floodplain of the Willamette River. It is intended for use in making decisions about conservation and restoration in the floodplain.
Tool developed by the Institute for a Sustainable Environment Lab at the University of Oregon
Updated June 2017
Website: Within Our Reach, the Willamette River restoration conference
Videos from the Willamette River Network
Browse our Vimeo page. Includes an archive of videotaped presentations from past Within Our Reach conferences.
Photo Gallery
Browse our Flickr page for photos from past Within Our Reach conferences and more.
Willamette River Flood Inundation Maps
These maps depict areas of predicted inundation of the Willamette River upstream of Willamette Falls associated with river's regulated 2-year discharge. The maps provide a tool for identifying restoration opportunities on the Willamette floodplain.
Created by River Design Group
Published 2011-12
Willamette River Report Card
The report card offers a baseline assessment of the river’s health from headwaters to mouth, with specific scores for key vital signs such as water quality, habitat availability, and presence of key fish and wildlife populations. It also includes individual grades for the lower, middle and upper reaches of the river.
Authors: WRI and University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science, in collaboration with Willamette Basin technical experts
Published December 2015
The State of Diversity in Environmental Organizations: Mainstream NGOs, Foundations & Government Agencies
This report, compiled from surveys of 191 environmental non-profits, 74 government environmental agencies, and 28 leading environmental grant making foundations, investigates the gender and racial diversity of the environmental movement. The study found a "green ceiling" keeping the environmental movement overwhelmingly white, even as the U.S. population diversifies.
Author: Dorceta E. Taylor, Ph.D. University of Michigan, School of Natural Resources & Environment Ann Arbor, Michigan. Prepared for Green 2.0
Published July 2014
Scientific report: Geomorphic and vegetation processes of the Willamette River floodplain, Oregon
This report is a synthesis of geomorphic and vegetation processes of the Willamette River and its major tributaries. It summarizes the current ‘state of the science’ regarding present-day floodplain processes and also identifies major knowledge gaps that hinder our ability to set realistic targets for future management and restoration activities.
Authors: J. Rose Wallick, Krista L. Jones, Jim E. O’Connor, and Mackenzie K. Keith, U.S. Geological Survey; David Hulse, University of Oregon; and Stanley V. Gregory, Oregon State University
Published 2013
For the most up-to-date version of this publication, the authors recommend accessing it from the USGS website at http://pubs.usgs.gov/of/2013/1246/
Article: When Local Solutions Aren't Enough: A Strategic Funding Partnership to Restore a Large River System
Freshwater ecosystems are increasingly imperiled, and funders, nongovernmental organizations, community groups, and government agencies worldwide are working to restore ecological function and resiliency to these critical resources. What does it take to structure, support and implement truly effective, broad-scale watershed restoration? This article describes an experimental collaboration aimed at improving the health of the Willamette River system, led by the Meyer Memorial Trust with support from the Bonneville Environmental Foundation and the Oregon Watershed Enhancement Board.
Authors: Pam Wiley, Meyer Memorial Trust / Tides Center, Todd Reeve, Bonneville Environmental Foundation, Ken Bierly, Oregon Watershed Enhancement Board, and Kendra Smith, Bonneville Environmental Foundation
Published 2013 in The Foundation Review
Public Opinion Research: Willamette River Baseline Survey Results
This report summarizes the findings of a telephone survey of 1,000 Willamette Valley residents commissioned by Meyer Memorial Trust to assess community behaviors and perceptions about the Willamette River. The survey sought to establish a baseline of general knowledge, values and perceived threats to the Willamette to inform efforts to engage the public in support of a healthier river.
Author: Davis, Hibbitts & Midghall, Inc. (DHM Research)
Published December 2014
Map: Oregon Non-white Population by County
Author: Oregon Office of Rural Health
Published 2018
Who lives in the Willamette Basin? This map sheds light on the demographic makeup of our region and our state.
Map: Oregon Population in Poverty by County
Author: Oregon Office of Rural Health
Published 2016
Who lives in the Willamette Basin? This map sheds light on the demographic makeup of our region and our state.
This report provides an in-depth evaluation of the impact of Meyer Memorial Trust's Willamette River Initiative. It focuses on changes the WRI had on the people, organizations and systems at work toward a healthier Willamette River system. Additionally, four case studies take a deeper look into the WRI's greatest areas of impact:
Approach to Funding case study
Fostering Collaboration case study
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Cohorts case study
Within Our Reach Conference case study
Author: Dialogues in Action
Published December 2020
Willamette Special Investment Partnership Accomplishments Summary Report
This report tracks progress toward ecological goals for the Willamette Basin made by members of the Willamette Special Investment Partnership (Oregon Watershed Enhancement Board, Meyer Memorial Trust and the Bonneville Power Administration) between 2008 and 2015.
Author: Oregon Watershed Enhancement Board
Published January 2016
Field Guide to Common Fish of the Willamette Valley Floodplain
This field guide provides photos and brief descriptions of 15 native and 16 nonnative fish found in the Willamette Valley floodplain.
Author: Oregon State University Extension Service (Josh E. Williams, Guillermo R. Giannico, Brad Withrow-Robinson)
Published June 2014
Willamette River Planning Atlas
This document, the result of work by more than 30 researchers over five years, identifies three possible scenarios for how land and water use in the Willamette Basin may change by the year 2050 and evaluates each scenario for its effect on the ecosystem. The conservation scenario sets goals for needed increases in floodplain forest and side channels and alcoves by the year 2050 to achieve river health.
Author: Pacific Northwest Ecosystem Research Consortium (Eds. Hulse, Gregory, Baker)
Published 2002
Restoring a River of Life: The Willamette Restoration Strategy
The Willamette Restoration Strategy provides a restoration vision and framework for the entire Willamette Basin. It was created to serve as the Willamette Basin supplement to the 1997 Oregon Plan for Salmon and Watersheds.
Author: Willamette Restoration Initiative
Published February 2001
Report: Mid-program Evaluation of the Willamette River Initiative
In 2012, the Meyer Memorial Trust retained the consulting firm Partners for Change to evaluate the effectiveness of the Willamette River Initiative. The resulting report details their findings and concludes with recommendations for MMT moving forward.
Author: Partners for Change
Published October 2013
SLICES: An information framework for a biologically effective Willamette River floodplain
SLICES is a geographic framework for tracking change over space and time in the floodplain of the Willamette River. It is intended for use in making decisions about conservation and restoration in the floodplain.
Tool developed by the Institute for a Sustainable Environment Lab at the University of Oregon
Updated June 2017
Website: Within Our Reach, the Willamette River restoration conference
Videos from the Willamette River Network
Browse our Vimeo page. Includes an archive of videotaped presentations from past Within Our Reach conferences.
Photo Gallery
Browse our Flickr page for photos from past Within Our Reach conferences and more.
Willamette River Flood Inundation Maps
These maps depict areas of predicted inundation of the Willamette River upstream of Willamette Falls associated with river's regulated 2-year discharge. The maps provide a tool for identifying restoration opportunities on the Willamette floodplain.
Created by River Design Group
Published 2011-12
Willamette River Report Card
The report card offers a baseline assessment of the river’s health from headwaters to mouth, with specific scores for key vital signs such as water quality, habitat availability, and presence of key fish and wildlife populations. It also includes individual grades for the lower, middle and upper reaches of the river.
Authors: WRI and University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science, in collaboration with Willamette Basin technical experts
Published December 2015
The State of Diversity in Environmental Organizations: Mainstream NGOs, Foundations & Government Agencies
This report, compiled from surveys of 191 environmental non-profits, 74 government environmental agencies, and 28 leading environmental grant making foundations, investigates the gender and racial diversity of the environmental movement. The study found a "green ceiling" keeping the environmental movement overwhelmingly white, even as the U.S. population diversifies.
Author: Dorceta E. Taylor, Ph.D. University of Michigan, School of Natural Resources & Environment Ann Arbor, Michigan. Prepared for Green 2.0
Published July 2014
Scientific report: Geomorphic and vegetation processes of the Willamette River floodplain, Oregon
This report is a synthesis of geomorphic and vegetation processes of the Willamette River and its major tributaries. It summarizes the current ‘state of the science’ regarding present-day floodplain processes and also identifies major knowledge gaps that hinder our ability to set realistic targets for future management and restoration activities.
Authors: J. Rose Wallick, Krista L. Jones, Jim E. O’Connor, and Mackenzie K. Keith, U.S. Geological Survey; David Hulse, University of Oregon; and Stanley V. Gregory, Oregon State University
Published 2013
For the most up-to-date version of this publication, the authors recommend accessing it from the USGS website at http://pubs.usgs.gov/of/2013/1246/
Article: When Local Solutions Aren't Enough: A Strategic Funding Partnership to Restore a Large River System
Freshwater ecosystems are increasingly imperiled, and funders, nongovernmental organizations, community groups, and government agencies worldwide are working to restore ecological function and resiliency to these critical resources. What does it take to structure, support and implement truly effective, broad-scale watershed restoration? This article describes an experimental collaboration aimed at improving the health of the Willamette River system, led by the Meyer Memorial Trust with support from the Bonneville Environmental Foundation and the Oregon Watershed Enhancement Board.
Authors: Pam Wiley, Meyer Memorial Trust / Tides Center, Todd Reeve, Bonneville Environmental Foundation, Ken Bierly, Oregon Watershed Enhancement Board, and Kendra Smith, Bonneville Environmental Foundation
Published 2013 in The Foundation Review
Public Opinion Research: Willamette River Baseline Survey Results
This report summarizes the findings of a telephone survey of 1,000 Willamette Valley residents commissioned by Meyer Memorial Trust to assess community behaviors and perceptions about the Willamette River. The survey sought to establish a baseline of general knowledge, values and perceived threats to the Willamette to inform efforts to engage the public in support of a healthier river.
Author: Davis, Hibbitts & Midghall, Inc. (DHM Research)
Published December 2014
Map: Oregon Non-white Population by County
Author: Oregon Office of Rural Health
Published 2018
Who lives in the Willamette Basin? This map sheds light on the demographic makeup of our region and our state.
Map: Oregon Population in Poverty by County
Author: Oregon Office of Rural Health
Published 2016
Who lives in the Willamette Basin? This map sheds light on the demographic makeup of our region and our state.